
'Collective Dreamer' is an interactive installation in which the confrontation with the collective subconscious of all participants becomes possible. Inside a dome, the last dream can be whispered to an abstract figure. All inputs merge into a continuously dreaming subconscious, whose dreams become visible as a live projection on the inside of the dome.

With the interactive installation 'Collective Dreamer' we want to create a meeting place between the participants, their subconscious in the form of their dreams and spontaneous visual ideas with the collective unconscious patterns of our present - as expressed by AI models.

According to C. G. Jung, the collective unconscious is that 'part of the psyche which can be negatively distinguished from a personal unconscious by the fact that it does not owe its existence to personal experience and is therefore not a personal acquisition' and thus that which we all share with each other without having appropriated it ourselves through our own life experiences.

Something similar has been written down in the AI models of our time: probability distributions extracted from the collected data of the Internet (and the hundreds of years of literature, art, human communications, etc. now integrated into it) show us the patterns that we as humanity have collectively, consciously as well as unconsciously left behind and created in our written and pictorial expressions, and which we also follow through the influence of these media on our lives. In many cases, patterns can also be discerned from these utterances that could actually be attributed to Jung's collective unconscious.

And as in a dream, the place where humans are most likely to encounter the collective unconscious pictorially, they become visible again through image generation and its idiosyncrasies.

How we see ourselves? As individuals, we don't see ourselves as artists, even though two of us study film at film school and are therefore actually at an art school. As a collective, however, we make art. We are particularly interested in interactive/communicative approaches with reference to storytelling. With our installation 'Collective Dreamer' we also want to make the phenomenon of AI as intensively experienceable as possible in an interactive and communicative way, and in doing so we fall back on typical communication rituals such as the cave and campfire situation or the telling of one's own dreams.

With regard to the current project, we are primarily interested in bringing our Dreamer into contact with various places and people and making these snapshots accessible, as in a Time or Place Capsule. How did the Dreamer's dreams evolve in Warsaw, how in Munich, how will they be in other places? Every city, every day probably has its own fingerprint, which we would like to make tangible.
